2024 年 9 月 1 日娛樂音樂 發佈

隨著Oasis樂隊宣布重組並計劃於2025年舉行OASIS LIVE ’25巡迴演出,這個來自英國曼徹斯特的搖滾樂隊再次成為音樂界的焦點。Oasis自成立以來便以其獨特的音樂風格和強烈的個人魅力吸引了全球樂迷的目光,並在90年代迅速崛起,成為英國音樂史上最具影響力的樂隊之一。

這次的重組是由主音Liam Gallagher和結他手Noel Gallagher兩兄弟領銜,這對在音樂上合作無間、在生活中卻常常發生衝突的兄弟檔,將再次攜手帶來經典的音樂盛宴。Oasis在社交媒體上的隆重宣布,也引發了樂迷的熱烈期待,許多人紛紛表達對即將到來的演出充滿期待。

除了巡演的消息,Oasis還將發行《Definitely Maybe》的30周年紀念版,該專輯將收錄當年在Monnow Valley Studio和Sawmills Studio錄製的版本,還包括一首由Liam Gallagher演唱的未發表曲目,這無疑為樂迷增添了更多的期待。


Oasis的音樂風格受到了廣泛的讚譽,經典的歌曲如《Wonderwall》、《Don’t Look Back in Anger》和《Champagne Supernova》等,至今仍在全球各地的音樂排行榜上佔有一席之地。這些歌曲不僅代表了那個時代的音樂,更成為了無數樂迷心中的永恆回憶。


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Oasis Reunion Rumors Heat Up as Liam Gallagher Teases Fans
2024 年 8 月 26 日EntertainmentMusic 發佈

The iconic British rock band Oasis, known for their anthemic sound and notorious sibling rivalry, may finally be on the verge of a reunion after a 15-year hiatus. Speculation has been rife over the weekend, fueled by social media activity from frontman Liam Gallagher, who seems to be hinting at an impending comeback. A recent report suggests that the band is planning a series of concerts across the U.K. in 2025, potentially culminating in a monumental performance at Wembley Stadium and Heaton Park. This news has sent waves of excitement across the music community, as fans eagerly anticipate the return of one of the most influential bands of the ’90s. The prospect of a reunion comes after years of speculation and false starts, with Liam previously stating that his brother Noel Gallagher had declined a 30th anniversary tour for their debut album, ‘Definitely Maybe.’ Despite their well-documented feud, the allure of the band’s legacy and the camaraderie of their music may finally bring the Gallaghers back together on stage. As the rumors intensify, fans are left to wonder whether this time the whispers will transform into reality. With Oasis’s music resonating through the ages, the potential reunion holds the promise of nostalgia and a fresh wave of energy in the rock scene. The upcoming weeks will be critical as more details emerge, and fans hope for confirmation of what could be one of the biggest musical events in recent history.

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